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JENJH8-220W electronic voltage transformer
This type of electronic voltage transformer is insulated with insulating grease and fully enclosed. It is used for metering electric energy, voltage control and relay protection in the electric useful-ground neutral system up to rated frequency 50Hz or 60Hz and rated voltage 220kV. The transformer can be executed according to the standards IEC60044-7:1999 and GB/T20840·7-2007.
本型電子式電壓互感器為全封閉支柱式結構,采用電容分壓式原理,外絕緣為硅橡膠外護套和傘裙,具有耐電弧、耐紫外線(xiàn)、耐老化、壽命長(cháng)、耐污染及潮濕等特點(diǎn),適宜于任何位置、任意方向安裝。測量范圍寬,二次短路時(shí)不會(huì )產(chǎn)生強電流,二次輸出為小電壓信號,功耗極小,不需將大信號轉化為小信號,簡(jiǎn)化了誤差源,提高了整個(gè)系統的穩定性和準確度。
This electronic voltage transformer is fully enclosed and post type product. It adopts the capacitance voltage division principle and the external insulation uses silastic outer sheath and umbrella skirt. The produce has much merit, such as: electric arc resistance, ultraviolet ray, aging resistance, fouling resistance and moisture protection. It can be installed at any place and any direction. This transformer has wide measurement scope, the secondary open circuit does not produce high voltage and the secondary output is the signal of low voltage. The power consumption is very small. As there is no need to transfer the signal of high voltage to the signal of low voltage, the source of error is simplified and the stability and order of accuracy of the whole system are improved.
四、技術(shù)參數(Technical data)
1、額定絕緣水平(rated insulation level):252/460/1050kV
2、局部放電水平符合GB/T20840·7-2007《電子式電壓互感器》標準。(The conditions of the partial discharge test according to GB/T20840·7-2007《electronic voltage transformer》will be fulfilled without exception.)
3、用戶(hù)如有其它技術(shù)要求,可與我廠(chǎng)聯(lián)系。(If the customer has other requirement for technology, they can contact our factory.)
4、技術(shù)參數表(technical data form):
五、外形及安裝尺寸圖(Outline drawing and dimensions of installation)