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JLENJH8-220W digital photoelectric combination transformer
JLENJH8-220W digital photoelectric combination transformer is a new device that measure high voltage, high current and performs voltage supervision. This device adopts digital technology, advanced electrooptical technology and combines the essence of demotic high voltage apparatus technology. It can be used to measure the current and voltage of the high-voltage power supply system to achieve the goal of measuring and protection. It is used for metering electric energy, voltage control and relay protection in the electrical system up to rated frequency 50Hz or 60Hz and rated voltage 220kV. The transformer can be executed according to the standards IEC60044-7:1999、IEC60044-8:2002 and GB/T20840·7-2007.
JLENJH8-220W digital photoelectric combination transformer is a new type of electronic combined transformer. It is different from the traditional electromagnetic current transformer and voltage transformer. It adopts the optoelectronic isolation, data digitization and technology of optical communication. The design of highly reliable electric insulation makes the reliability improved significantly.
It is also different from the photoelectric combination transformer that is based on Faraday magneto-optical effect and Kerr electro-optic effect. Its voltage signal adopts the principle of capacitance voltage division and the sensor for current signal is the low-energy current mutual inductor and the Rogowski coil. The current signal is transferred to digital signal at the high potential and the digital signal is transferred to the low potential through optical fiber. Therefore, the accuracy of measurement is high. It has the characteristics of shock resistant, resistance of temperature of external environment, anti-electromagnetic interference and the service life is guaranteed.
3、本裝置中,高電位處的供電是一個(gè)重要的技術(shù)創(chuàng )新。本裝置采用了低電位激光供能和高電位取能等多重供能技術(shù),產(chǎn)品運行可靠性高。
The power supply at the high potential of this device is a technical innovation. This device adopts multiple technology of power supply such as laser power supply at the low potential and energy output at high potential.
Therefore, the product operates stably.
The insulating column of JLENJH8-66W digital photoelectric combination transformer
adopts the silastic outer sheath and umbrella skirt. It is the pillar type, which enable simple and light structure and light weight. It has the ability to counter pollution and high reliability.
四、技術(shù)參數(Technical data)
1、額定絕緣水平(rated insulation level):252/460/1050kV
2、局部放電水平符合GB/T20840·7-2007《電子式電壓互感器》、GB/T20840·8-2007《電子式電流互感器》標準。(The conditions of the partial discharge test according to GB/T20840·7-2007 and GB/T20840·8-2007 will be fulfilled without exception.)
3、用戶(hù)如有其它技術(shù)要求,可與我廠(chǎng)聯(lián)系。(If the customer has other requirement for technology, they can contact our factory.)
4、技術(shù)參數表(technical data form):
表1:額定一次電流及動(dòng)熱穩定電流(Rated primary current , rated dynamic and thermal current)
表2:常規技術(shù)參數(Common technical parameters)